Digitalize your expenses with AI
Use our revolutionary AI to digitalize any kind of expense, from receipts, to bank statements, handwritten lists, and much more. Digitalize any expense that an AI can understand.
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AI-Powered OCR API
Scan any kind of expense in seconds
Using AI, our API can digitalize any kind of expense with ease. It can even handle expenses splitted between the provided documents.
- Expense recognission
Our AI is capable of recoginising the expenses accross all the provided documents, allowing to send splitted files, like for example multiple photos of a long receipt.
- Multiple expense types at once
The API can process multiple expense types in the same request. For example, you can supply 1 receipt, 2 invoices, and 3 months of bank statements; and our AI will handle them.
- Secure document processing
All the documents and information created during the API request are automatically destroyed on completition, making sure no traces of them can be found.
AI Finance OCR
Can you read it? Our AI too.
We know how hard it's to scan a long list of expenses of any kind, that's why we've made sure that our AI can handle multiple types of them at once.

- Microsoft Office/365
- You can send any compatible files (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc).
- Scan any non-protected PDF file whether it's text, or image based.
- Process CSVs with ease, as it automatically detects the content.
- Expenses encoded in HTML can be parsed by processing it's content.
- Images
- Send a photo of any kind of expense, and it'll be processed.
- Handwritten
- Too complex for a file? Write it down and send it as a picture.
- Any kind of expense
- Invoices, Bank Statements, Receipts, Cheques, Credit card reports, Tickets, Future expenses, Handwritten lists, Registers; and many more. If you can understand it, our AI can too!
Cutting-edge AI
Real-world proof
Sometimes expenses might be crumpled, partially torn, or even partially scanned; that's why our AI is trained to handle these kinds of scenarios.
- Crumpled expenses won't be a nightmare anymore
- Folded
- Up to certain degree, information will be filled.
- Torn
- Mirrored and rotated files can be read anyways
- Reversed
- It can process blurry and imperfectly scanned expenses
- Partial
Digitalize expenses with ease.
Start using our API today.
You can start using our API easily through RapidAPI, all the documentation is located there, as well as the pricing.
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